Bad Work Stories Made Good

Disconnected from the Customer?

Emma Matthews and Corina Roobeck

Tell us what you like about our show and share your Bad work stories so we can help. Thanks Emma & Corina

We are on a mission to end suffering at work. 

Bad work stories are everywhere - they are stressful - sucking our time, attention and precious energy, and for a lot of us, we take the stress home.  

A great leader once said - “Be the change you want to see in the world “, and that's what we do here.

Each week, we take ONE Bad work story - and discuss: 

  • A Perspective for Everyone. 
  • A Perspective for Leaders, specifically 
  • One practical tool that you can apply today. 

Take one or all three, and you can improve your Bad Work story today. 

We must do something different if we want more joy and healthy collaboration in our teams and organisations.   Take what resonates with you, and let us know how you get on. 

This week, we explore the impact of a bad customer experience over a parking fine and a complaints department that can't talk to the call centre or the customer! 

Points covered

  • If customers are everyone's priority, why do we get frustration and friction instead of flow and fun?
  • What’s the real agenda?  Profit over reputation
  • How do you get the customer line of sight connection across an organisation?

Thank you for joining us today. 

Suppose you want to upgrade your skills and confidence in handling group dynamics and increase the effectiveness and joy of your meetings. In that case, we invite you to join us at the following online facilitation course Corina will run in October. It will be four hours once a week for eight weeks. We have a special discount offer for BWSMG listeners :)  - perfect for Europe, Australia, NZ, India, and South East Asia.