Bad Work Stories Made Good

Feeling the Entrepreneurial Burn

Emma Matthews and Corina Roobeck

Tell us what you like about our show and share your Bad work stories so we can help. Thanks Emma & Corina

We are on a mission to end suffering at work. 

Bad work stories are everywhere - they are stressful - sucking our time, attention and precious energy and for a lot of us, we take the stress home.  

A great leader once said - “Be the change you want to see in the world “ and that's what we do here.

Each week, we take ONE Bad work story - and we share with you 

  •  A Perspective for everyone. 
  • A perspective / One insight for Leaders specifically 
  • One practical tool that you can apply today. 

Take one or all 3 and  you can then change your Bad Work story for the good. 

We must do something different if we want more joy and healthy collaboration in our teams and organisations.   Take what resonates with you, and let us know how you get on. 

This week, we explore a situation where a passionate entrepreneur with an exciting vision is self sabotaging his success by his dominating leadership style.  What are the key elements to change this around? 

Points covered

  • Trust and focus v Power and Putdowns
  • Why clarity is gold 
  • And Delegation is key 

Thank you for joining us today. 

If you want to increase your skills and confidence in working with these situations in one or a team environment, check out our next course this July -

 It is online and will last four hours a week for eight weeks. We have a special discount for BWSMG listeners. We run them regularly throughout the year, so if this resonates with you and you want to serve your team at a higher level and develop your leadership, reach out to Corina for a chat. 

Reach out to us if - 

  • You have a bad work story driving you up the wall and you would like our help to resolve it. 
  • You enjoyed our energy and perspectives; your workplace would benefit.
  • You would love to join us live on the podcast. 

You can contact us at or head on over to